
The Museum purchased 180 locally-acquired artifacts from the personal collection of Al Dreyer (Lillooet, BC) in 2016. In 2017, the Reg Beck Collection (Williams Lake, BC) was gratefully acquired. Now the collection is comprised of over 1600 artifacts, archives, and library books.
The collection includes artifacts and archives which promote the Museum’s mission of encouraging greater interest in, and understanding of, the experiences, hardships, and contributions made in BC’s Interior by thousands of Chinese miners, railway workers, merchants, and farmers.
From Gary J. Weisz, researcher:
Fabulous would be the best term to describe your web site and collection. Nothing like it or comparable out there that I am aware of. Much larger than mine. Obviously, a ferocious amount of work went into your work.
I will be referencing your site quite often and will recommend it to others… Your work is excellent and is definitely something to be proud of.
Thank you and keep up your very important work. You have much to contribute to our understanding of overseas Chinese material culture.
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